Raising Silver Dollar Fish
1/17/2021 9:48 PM
Choose the right tank size.One of the biggest factors in a fish's survival and wellbeing is the environment it lives in. Housing your silver dollar fish in a small, cramped tank can be very uncomfortable for your pet, and if you have more than one fish in the tank they may begin to compete for resources.
- Some breeders recommend having a tank that holds at least 50 gallons of water to ensure adequate space.
- If you're considering housing a school of fish or breeding your own silver dollar fish you will need an even larger tank.
Decide whether to provide aquatic plants.Silver dollar fish tend to uproot and eat live aquarium plants, which may deter some aquarium enthusiasts from providing plants. However, having plants (even if they're artificial) is generally considered preferable.
- Some aquarium enthusiasts add artificial plants to provide habitat for their fish without having to worry about the plants being eaten.
- If you decide to breed your silver dollar fish they will absolutely need plants, even if they're artificial. Silver dollar fish tend to lay their eggs on or around plants near the bottom of the tank.
Add hiding places to your tank.Fish may become frightened or overwhelmed from time to time, so it's important to provide them with places to escape from whatever has frightened them. This is particularly important if you plan on housing more than one fish in the same tank.
- Rocks, flowerpots, driftwood, and plastic accessories are all considered acceptable hiding places to add to your home aquarium.
Feed your fish a healthy diet.Silver dollar fish need a diet high in plants and vegetables. Commercial Spirulina-based foods and vegetable-based freeze-dried/flake foods are ideal. You can also feed your fish certain live foods, including brine shrimp, bloodworms, and glass worms.
- Feed your fish pellets or flakes several times each day. Watch your fish while it eats to gauge whether it's getting enough food and adjust accordingly.
- Some breeders choose to supplement their pets' diet with small chunks of vegetables, including zucchini and romaine lettuce leaves. However, these should be trimmed down to very small pieces so that the fish can easily eat and digest them.
Give your fish playmates.Because silver dollar fish naturally swim in schools, it's best to keep your fish in a shared tank with other community tank fish (including other silver dollar fish). Just be sure any fish you add to the tank are known to be friendly and peaceful.
- If you decide not to add other silver dollar fish, you may choose to add loricariidae, pimelodidae, South or Central American cichlids, pacu, arowana, or anostomus.
- Having too many fish in the tank may cause territorial disputes or overcrowding.
- Groups of three to six schooling fish of a similar size are the ideal number for a given tank.
Watch for health problems.All pets are at risk of illness, regardless of how well you care for them. Some fish breeds are more predisposed to health problems than others. Knowing what health problems silver dollar fish are prone to can help you keep an eye on your pet's wellbeing.
- Silver dollar fish are particularly susceptible to a parasite called black spot/black ick. You can treat this condition with aquarium salt available at pet stores.
- Because of their flat bodies, silver dollar fish are prone to constipation. This can be avoided by feeding a varied diet that includes fiber (vegetable matter).
- Many fish, including silver dollars, are susceptible to fungal infections. These can be easily treated at home with commercial products, which can be purchased at most pet stores.
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