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Setting Up Your Aquarium
1/17/2021 10:12 PM
Purchase and install lighting to support plant growth.Just like other plants, your aquarium plants will need light to stay alive. Light is needed for plants to undergo photosynthesis, which gives them their energy and nutrients. Check the light needs of your individual plants, as they can vary from plant to plant. Full-spectrum fluorescent and LED tank lights are both great options. Plants can also get some light from nearby windows.
Read MoreHow To Choosing The Right Plants
1/17/2021 2:14 PM
Select common, easy to grow freshwater plants.Freshwater plants have different lighting requirements and can sometimes be difficult to maintain. Luckily, there are some easy options for beginners that will create the look you want in your aquarium. Look for plants that are labeled as Echinoderms, Lilaeopsis, Anarchies, or Anubis.
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